13 research outputs found

    On International Law of Treaty Interpretation

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    Treaty interpretation means that a treaty is interpreted in the course of implementation and application after it has entered into force. The rules of treaty interpretation of 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaty (VCLT) were expressly applied to dispute settlement by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the 1994 case of Territorial Dispute (Libyan Arab Jamahiriya v. Chad), and then by the Appellate Body of Dispute Settlement of the World Settlement of the World (WTO) in the 1996 case of United States - Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline as “the customary rules of interpretation of public international law”. This article is mainly based on leading cases of the ICJ and the WTO in last decade to offer a systematic analysis of treaty interpretation in the practices of contemporary international laws and to discuss some theoretical issues regarding the rules, methods and approaches of treaty interpretation with some viewpoints of the International Law Commission’s Commentaries on the VCLT and of well-known international lawyers. Key words: treaty interpretation; international law; practice; theory Résumé: L'interprétation des traités signifie qu'un traité est interprété dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre et de l'application après son entrée en vigueur. Les règles de l'interprétation de traitéde la Convention de Vienne de 1969 sur le droit des traités (CVDT) ont été expressément prévues pour le règlement des différends par la Cour internationale de Justice (CIJ) dans le cas du différend territorial en 1994(Jamahiriya arabe libyenne c. Tchad), puis par l'Organe d'appel de règlement des différends de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) dans le cas des États-Unis en 1996 - les normes concernant l'essence reformulée et conventionnelle comme ''les règles coutumières de l'interprétation du droit international public''. Cet article est principalement basé sur les cas de la CIJ et de l'OMC dans la dernière décennie afin d'offrir une analyse systématique de l'interprétation des traités dans les pratiques contemporaines du droit international et d'examiner certaines questions théoriques concernant les règles, les méthodes et mes approches de l'interprétation des traités avec des commentaires de la Commission du droit international sur la Convention de Vienne sur le droit des traités et ceux des certains juristes connus internationaux.Mots-clés: interprétation des traités; droit international; pratique; théori

    On Economic Analysis of International Law

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    The economic analysis of international law is the new development of international law theories in last decade. Based on existing references, this thesis intents to promote application of economic analysis of international law in China with pluralistic ways of research (for examples, political, legal and economic) in order to understand the contemporary issues of international law and to have new ideas. The part I is a brief comparison between domestic and international laws from economic perspective, and then a description of applicable economic analysis for international law with an emphasis of its theoretical and practical significances. The part II is focused on Coase’s Law & Economics as the basis of economic analysis of international law. The part III to V provide with a few examples of economic analysis of international laws, i.e. law of international economic organization, international environmental law and international humanitarian law. The conclusion is given finally. Key words: theory of international law, economic analysis, law of international economic organization, international environmental law and international humanitarian law Résumé: L’analyse économique de la loi internationale est le nouveau développement des théories de la loi internationale dans la dernière décennie. Basé sur des références existantes, cette thèse tente de promouvoir l’application de l’analyse économique de la loi internaionale en Chine avec des méthodes de recherche pluralistes(par exemple, politique, légale et économique) afin de comprendre les problèmatiques contemporains de la loi internationale et de s’en faire de nouvelles idées. La partie I procède à une comparaison brève entre les lois domestiques et internationales sous l’angle économique et à une description des analyses économiques applicables aux lois internationales en mettant l’accent sur leurs significations théoriques et pratiques. La partie II se concentre sur la Loi de Coase&Economie qui sert de base d’analyse. De la partie III à la partie V, on trouve des exemples de l’analyse économique des lois internationals, par exemple, la loi internationale de l’organisation économique , la loi international de l’environnement et la loi internationale humaniste. Enfin, la conclusion est dégagée. Mots-Clés: théorie de la loi internationale, analyse économique, loi internationale de l’organisation économique, loi internationale de l’environnement et loi internationale humanist

    Interfacial States and Fano-Feshbach Resonance in Graphene-Silicon Vertical Junction

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    Interfacial quantum states are drawing tremendous attention recently because of their importance in design of low-dimensional quantum heterostructures with desired charge, spin, or topological properties. Although most studies of the interfacial exchange interactions were mainly performed across the interface vertically, the lateral transport nowadays is still a major experimental method to probe these interactions indirectly. In this Letter, we fabricated a graphene and hydrogen passivated silicon interface to study the interfacial exchange processes. For the first time we found and confirmed a novel interfacial quantum state, which is specific to the 2D–3D interface. The vertically propagating electrons from silicon to graphene result in electron oscillation states at the 2D–3D interface. A harmonic oscillator model is used to explain this interfacial state. In addition, the interaction between this interfacial state (discrete energy spectrum) and the lateral band structure of graphene (continuous energy spectrum) results in Fano–Feshbach resonance. Our results show that the conventional description of the interfacial interaction in low-dimensional systems is valid only in considering the lateral band structure and its density-of-states and is incomplete for the ease of vertical transport. Our experimental observation and theoretical explanation provide more insightful understanding of various interfacial effects in low-dimensional materials, such as proximity effect, quantum tunneling, etc. More important, the Fano–Feshbach resonance may be used to realize all solid-state and scalable quantum interferometers

    4-Hydroxybenzyl-substituted glutathione derivatives from <i>Gastrodia elata</i>

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    <div><p>Seven new 4-hydroxybenzyl-substituted glutathione derivatives (<b>2</b>–<b>8</b>), together with a known analogue (<b>1</b>), were isolated from the aqueous extract of <i>Gastrodia elata</i> Blume rhizomes. Their structures were determined by using spectroscopic and chemical methods. The absolute configurations of <b>1</b>–<b>8</b> were assigned by using Marfey's method, combined with comparing the NMR and CD spectroscopic data of sulfoxide moieties in <b>3</b>–<b>6</b> with those of <i>S</i>-(4-hydroxybenzyl)cysteine sulfoxide stereoisomers (<b>9</b>–<b>12</b>) synthesized as authentic samples. The configurations of <b>9</b>–<b>12</b> were confirmed by electronic CD calculations based on the quantum-mechanical time-dependent density functional theory. Furthermore, the structures of <b>1</b>, <b>3</b>, <b>5</b>, <b>7</b>, and <b>8</b> were verified by synthesis. Compound <b>3</b> was active against serum deprivation-induced PC12 cell damage and synthetic <b>9</b>–<b>14</b> exhibited activity against Fe<sup>2+</sup>-cysteine induced rat liver microsomal lipid peroxidation.</p></div